In the traditional on-premise OBIEE environment, to open the RPD in online mode we create and set up ODBC Data Sources (which points to the BI server) in the local machine however this has become very easy in OAC, Now we can open the RPD in the online mode using 'In the Cloud' feature directly without any prior configuration. Making changes in the online OAC rpd feels like working on the offline RPD (since the response time is very fast). once the changes are done it can be published to the server with a single click.
Today I will be covering the end to end steps from starting, how do we open the RPD using 'in the cloud' feature using OAC admin tool and how do we publish the changes with the single click, and the best part is 'No need to restart the servers' after publishing the rpd.
So let's get started:
Step 1: Download the latest OAC admin tool using the below URL:
Step 2: Install and open the Administration tool.
Step 3: Go to File > Open > In the Cloud as shown below:
Step 4: Now define the paraments for your OAC instance as mentioned below:
UserName: <your OAC admin user name (make sure that the user exists in the IDCS console) >
Password : <password>
Cloud: bootstrap ( default name of your OAC service instance )
Host Name: <your OAC host name>
example: (without http or https)
Port no: 443
SSL: Check On
Truststore: <Location of cacerts>
(This defaults to <OAC ClientHome>\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\Security\cacerts
password: changeit (this is the default password for cacerts)
click on Open, you online RPD will open up.
Now to publish the changes to the OAC server, Go to File > Cloud > Publish
Once published, you will get a message 'Your Data Model/RPD has been published' .
Now no need to restart the servers, just go to Analytics (OBIEE) and reload the files and metadata from administration section and you are done!
Feel free to drop a message in the comment box if you need further assistance.
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